Gute digitale Prozesse unterstützen End-to-End - CXO Partners GmbH

Good digital processes support end-to-end

Hallo Cxopartners

Technology does not create good processes.

It all starts with process optimization

As technological possibilities grow, so do the options for how digitalization can be implemented in small and medium-sized businesses. Digitalization often begins with the automation of individual work steps in an existing process.

These automated steps simplify the workflow and offer advantages, but there is still a long way to go before the process is completely digital.

What constitutes a digital process

💡 A clean digital process ensures that everything runs smoothly, from start to finish. This means that every step in the business process is supported by automated procedures to increase productivity through faster processing and error-free processing.

The beginning is the triggering event for the business process and the end is the final event including the expected result. Let's look at how automation provides digital support in this.

What can automated processes be?

With automated processes we describe a variety of options to optimize a process:

  • Management of workflows in and between systems
  • analysis of input data
  • Generation and calculation of output data
  • sending emails
  • output of statistics

A good practical example is the processing of data from an online form or from an ordering system. By entering the data, order confirmations to the customer, orders in the supplier system and changes in inventory can be automatically triggered in various systems . With our CLUE data hub, this is even possible across company boundaries.

The optimal digital process runs automatically

Ideally, the digitalized process can run completely automatically for maximum efficiency and only requires human intervention in exceptional cases. In our experience, such processes are best created in several steps:

  1. optimization of the existing process
  2. Partial automation with continuous improvement (CIP)
  3. full automation of the entire business process

The individual steps are influenced on the one hand by the necessary accompanying organizational changes in the workflow and on the other hand by the often surprising number of dependent systems and business processes. We are happy to help with our expertise!

A simple example of an automated workflow is an ordering process for a ticket in a mobile application - here ordering, payment and delivery are all digitally controlled.

What are the requirements for digital processes?

Focus on the following three implementation topics to achieve a good digital process:

  • Identify the steps and flow of the entire business process: Find out exactly what happens in your workflow, step by step.
  • Create a central control (workflow or orchestration) for the digital process: Use a kind of process manager who monitors and controls your workflow.
  • Consider integration into dependent, non-automated workflows: Remember that other manual processes must still work and be well integrated with the automated processes.

Let’s look at the individual topics for the implementation of a digital process:

Identify the beginning and end of the business process

Digital processes are supported from start to finish (end-to-end) through the intelligent use of technology . It is important to differentiate the business process selected for digitalization from dependent workflows.

The beginning of the process flow is an initial event, such as the receipt of an email or a status in a system. The end of a business process is in turn a specific event, such as the posting of a payment. It is important to note that a business process always leads to specific results that are relevant for the company .

Control the digital process centrally

Once the entire process has been identified, the next focus is on central control of the process and correct processing of the data. Connected systems within the company are important for fast, error-free and resource-saving digital workflows .

Create a continuous process through the diverse system or solution landscape and rely on central control to make processes, status and progress trackable. Solutions for workflow control, process automation or even complete solutions such as our CLUE digitization platform are suitable for this.

Think of a non-automated process environment

If only individual business processes are digitized, it is important to consider dependent processes and ensure that a digital process is well integrated into its environment.
For example, well-prepared results for further processing and active information for making available to the next person in charge are ideal. The better the digital process is integrated into the existing processes in the company, the more likely the progress will be accepted .

    Our goal is to shift the focus from pure technology to good processes and thus give companies the easiest access to sustainable digitalization. You can find out why you should create a good process before the technological solution by clicking on the link to our blog post below:

    reading tip

      Our conclusion

      Start your digitalization with a defined business process in which you support the entire process digitally and automate individual work steps. For dependent and surrounding workflows, ensure that necessary work results and status are transferred in a meaningful form.

      Tip: Digitize along existing processes. This means that workflows that depend on a digital process are very well suited for the next digitization step.

      This is how you create the best conditions for the successful digitalization of your company.

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